Thursday, 31 December 2015

Character Motion

Using adobe photoshop I was to create a character motion animation. Opening a new document in photoshop, making the timeline visible, layer new video layer. To start of the design using a Wacom tablet  I drew out the process of walking on a new frame and new layer. Using a line tool to create a horizon in the back. 

Then enabling the onion skin in the timeline options so it gives a shadow to the person when walking turning the opacity down so it's not to sharp but blends with the background. 

Rendering the final piece as a animation I had problems to get the speed to be reduced, I tried changing the settings a few times but it didn't seem to work. This was my final piece. 

walking2 from Itba Kauser on Vimeo.

Saturday, 5 December 2015

Pinterest Inspiration

For Inspiration for all of my design work my first step for ideas is by using Pinterest. It is a site which designers use to showcase their work to be recognised by the design industry. I find this very useful in  gaining my secondary artist design research as their is some very talented and experimental work which I can always relate to. I have used work from Pinterest in my research since the start offend which I have always looked at as a form of inspiration and developed my work further. 

I have created myself a account on Pinterest which allows me to save other artists work, follow and be followed. It also allows me to showcase my work and be recognised by other designers and design agencies.